
Have you ever been frustrated with the way Western medicine views body and mind as separate entities? Or been told “there’s nothing we can do to help you” because there isn’t a test that can pin down what’s making you feel awful, and a pill to fix it? Have you wanted to make a change in your life, but felt stuck in old patterns?

I’ve been there, too. I was lucky to have a team of wellness practitioners who understand that health is more than the absence of illness. Now, I’m back on my feet and my goal is to help others return to abundant health, as well.

Join me for a class, a consultation, or a deeply nourishing hands-on session, and create space for the changes you seek!

Emily, with short hair and glasses, smiles at the camera.
Emily Springfield – Mind-Body Wellness Specialist


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This was the first day in a while that I didn’t have any Achilles soreness as I walked down the stairs in the morning.


Emily is a gifted healer. Her sessions transport you to a world of deep comfort, letting go and utter delight.  She is intuitive, caring, present and strong.

Leigh Ann